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LAHAF (Lend a Hand and Foot)

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Disaster Relief
  • Environment
  • International


343 PALMETTO ST APT 3BROOKLYN, NY 11237 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

We connect communities, organizations and individuals in response and re-building of a disaster. We encourage programs and projects that support preparedness and education before the disaster happens.


Founded in 2010 after the Haitian Earthquake. LAHAF (Lend a Hand and Foot), began as a community connector specific to large scale disasters.

After responding in Haiti, Sandy and Typhoon Haiyan we had built an amazing network of experts and partnered organizations. We wanted to expand that drive and human interest during a disaster to before the disaster. That if certain programs or preparedness was in place prior to the disasters that it would make it that much easier to recover.

As we developed site and community driven programs post-disaster and in the re-building phase, we decided that the word "disaster" is subjective. That it can range from a natural disaster that completely changes the landscape of a community forever, a community disaster such as Detroit or it can be on an individual level such as someone wanting to use alternative methods in fighting cancer.

The common thread is providing templates, "how to's" and DIY (Do it yourself) resources based on proven methods created by the commuities themselves.


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