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Root & Rebound

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Justice & Legal


1730 Franklin St, Suite 300Oakland, CA 94612 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our Mission at Root & Rebound is to reduce barriers and maximize opportunities for returning citizens in the Bay Area, throughout California, and beyond. We aim to accomplish this mission through innovative, holistic and client-centered services, including: Direct legal services with social services support Legal education and trainings Creation and centralization of reentry resources High-impact policy advocacy and litigation This model supports individuals, empowers communities, recognizes the need for systemic change, encourages statewide and national collaboration, and supports the free-flow of reentry information.


Root & Rebound is a Reentry Advocacy Center dedicated to improving the lives of reentering citizens and maximizing their opportunities for success in the community. Root & Rebound provides a range of programs and services for individuals and communities through direct legal and social services, legal education, centralizing reentry resources, and policy advocacy. Founded in October of 2013, Root & Rebound is focused on bringing an innovative and creative approach to solving the current crises in reentry in the Bay Area, in California, and beyond .

Root & Rebound is a 501(c)3 organization, tax ID number 46-3876220.


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