All-N' Together Services
Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Computers & Technology
- Education & Literacy
- Hunger
PO Box 926Youngsville, NC 27525 United StatesOrganization Information
Mission Statement
All-N'Together Services a (501) (c)(3) public charity organization has a mission to provide computer training and other outreach services to youth, low income individuals, families and seniors in the triangle and surrounding areas that are desperately in need of these services.
This organization is working to build a stronger community by making these services available in order to improve the current living conditions of individuals by helping them to obtain skills in order to reach career and personal goals that will provide them with greater opportunities.
In order to help reach our goals to provide these outreach services we are in need of dedicated volunteers who have a compassion to help others.
We are also committed to collaborating with other non-profits as well as any organization that would like to start similar programs in order to bridge the gap of the digital divide in North Carolina.