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Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Disaster Relief
  • Faith-Based
  • Health & Medicine


PO Box 246537Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Founders, Bishop Joel Jeune and Doris Jeune Grace International, Inc. is a non-profit (501c3) organization registered in the State of Florida, with its main operations in the Island of Haiti for almost 40 years. Our mission is to RESCUE, RELIEVE, and RESTORE by providing health-care, education, spiritual guidance, feeding programs, and empowered living to those in need within our reach.


Operating since 1974, Grace International was founded by Bishop Joel and
wife Doris Jeune, who together oversee and lead the organization in the
roles of President and Vice President. For the past 30 years, Grace
International has been impacting lives through the oversight and management
of more than 200 churches, 65 schools, 3 orphanages, as well as a
medical/dental clinic, a pediatric hospital, a home for elderly widows, and
a newly opened university.

Within these programs and facilities, Grace International also operates a
feeding program, various learning centers as well as seasonal and annual
conferences. The base of the organization's work in Haiti is Grace
Village, located in the county of Carrefour.
After the earthquake, over 25,000 people sought refuge at Grace Village,
making it the site of the second largest internally displaced camp in Port
au Prince. Grace International is now working to resettle many of the
people living in this camp, and create small communities that are models of
holistic, sustainable and industrious living.

We can be contacted at: email grace@graceintl.org. Phone
954-394-8929, 305-231-1117. website www.graceintl.org


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