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Los Altos History Museum

Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Race & Ethnicity
  • Women


51 S. San Antonio RoadLos Altos, CA 94022 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Los Altos History Museum gathers and presents compelling stories and artifacts that bridge the past and the present by fostering the creative energy of staff and volunteers to challenge established narratives and produce engaging educational programs and exhibits for our community.


Located in one of the few remaining apricot orchards of Santa Clara Valley, the Los Altos History Museum explores the rich history of local people and how the use of the land over time has transformed the agricultural paradise once known as the "Valley of Heart’s Delight" into the high technology hub of today’s Silicon Valley.

Opened in spring of 2001, the Los Altos History Museum resides in an impressive three-level, 8,200-square-foot building - built entirely with private donations; building ownership was transferred to the City of Los Altos in 2002. The Museum features a changing exhibits gallery as well as a new permanent exhibit slated to open in 2023, titled "Making Connections: Stories from the Land," that describes the rich history of Los Altos and the surrounding area. There’s more history just across the lushly landscaped courtyard in the landmark J. Gilbert Smith House. Built in 1905, the home is nestled under majestic heritage oaks and has been meticulously refurbished to replicate a farmhouse of the 1930’s. Visitors are welcome to enjoy the gardens and picnic tables even when the House and Museum are closed.


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