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United Special Sportsman Alliance

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • People with Disabilities
  • Sports & Recreation


N7864 Shotwell Ln.Pittsville, WI 54466 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

United Special Sportsman Alliance, Inc. [USSA] is a 501(c)3 Non-profit "dream wish" granting charity, that specializes in sending critically ill and disabled youth on the outdoor adventure of their dreams! USSA Adventures gives our youth something to look forward to and helps sustain them in their time of need! Families are whisked away from the mundane, man-made world of hospitals and high medical bills by being given a place of peace to focus on the quality of life, family ties, and the wonders of our natural world! USSA is composed of a 100% volunteer staff from all walks of life, Bonded together by a common love for our fellow mankind and a deep respect and appreciation of our world's natural resources. By working cooperatively with caring "Adventure" donors and generous individual and corporate sponsors, USSA has significantly impacted the lives of thousands of children and their families.


To grant children with life-threatening illnesses and disabilities and challenge youths to the outdoor adventure of their dreams. To promote and protect the rights of all Americans to participate and enjoy our national outdoor heritage. To promote principles of conservation and sound Natural Resource management. To help the general public better understand the numerous difficulties and challenges critically ill and disabled Americans must face on a daily basis. To help re-integrate these special Americans back into normal, everyday life. To help empower all challenged Americans to follow their dreams of living an exciting life in the great outdoors. To enhance the general non-hunting/fishing public's image of hunters and fishermen by ushering in a "New Era of Sportsmanship" and provide a valuable community service by raising public awareness of important conservation issues and topics. To promote and encourage greater hunting and fishing recruitment from all segments of society.


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