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Champaign County Forest Preserve District

Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Environment


P O Box 1040Mahomet, IL 61853 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

We are stewards of our county's natural and historic resources through conservation, education and the compatible outdoor recreation experiences we provide at Champaign County's Forest Preserves.


With seven preserves totaling almost 4,000 acres of forest, prairie, lakes, rivers, and wetlands, the Champaign County Forest Preserve District is a great place to get closer to nature. We have something for everyone, whether your passion is bicycling, hiking, picnicking, swimming, camping, canoeing, enjoying wildlife, or simply relaxing. Trained and knowledgeable interpretive naturalists offer quality environmental education programs year-round, and the Museum of the Grand Prairie is a great place to discover the natural and cultural history of Champaign County's Great Prairie.

We have volunteer opportunities that involve assisting with our public programs for children and adults, helping with archival and curatorial tasks, maintaining trails, collecting seeds, and removing invasive plants. We also host an annual July 4th fireworks event known as Freedom Fest. Volunteers are always needed for this event. Special group day work projects are also arranged.

Contact the Volunteer Coordinator, at volunteer@ccfpd.org to learn about our volunteer opportunities.


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