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Atlanta Science Festival

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy


1399 Oxford RoadAtlanta, GA 30332 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Atlanta Science Festival will celebrate the inherent integration of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) in our lives today, share the impact they have on our community, and inspire us all to wonder about our future.

Through partnerships with institutions across Atlanta, we aim to develop a festival that will:

  • Strengthen connections between the sciences and the arts and humanities.
  • Enhance collaboration among local institutions, and spark conversations between the public and local scientists.
  • Inspire curiosity about the natural world and expand our community of science enthusiasts.
  • Highlight Atlanta as a national and global leader in innovation.
  • Carry science programming into all neighborhoods across Atlanta that is unique to the needs of each community.


The Atlanta Science Festival is a weeklong celebration of local science and technology. Atlanta residents of all ages will have the opportunity to explore the science and technology in our region and see how science is connected to all parts of our lives. Scientists and educators from museums, local schools, universities, and companies will uncover mysteries and explain discoveries in a range of hands-on activities, facility tours, stimulating presentations, and riveting performances to expand our community of science enthusiasts and inspire a new generation of curious thinkers.

Founded by Emory University, the Georgia Institute of Technology, and the Metro Atlanta Chamber, the festival is a collaboration among diverse community partners planning a collection of events for young people, families, and adults. As the organizing sponsor, Emory will support the efforts of our community to fund-raise, organize, and execute this venture in spring 2014 and annually thereafter. The Atlanta Science Festival is a member of the Science Festival Alliance.


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