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Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Cleveland

Cause Area

  • Employment
  • Faith-Based
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Hunger


1404 E NINTH ST 3RD FLRCLEVELAND, OH 44114 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

WELCOME TO SVDP CLEVELAND! Help us to help the Society of St. Vincent de Paul help others. Part of a worldwide network committed to person to person service to anyone in need, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the greater Cleveland area serves thousands of men, women and children annually. We do so with over 1,000 local volunteers focusing on local needs. This means meeting people face to face and never shying away from new and emerging challenges to those we serve. We meet poverty where it exists. In Cleveland since 1865 as a Catholic lay (non-clergy) organization, we engage our volunteers (known as Vincentians) through regular meetings that enhance their ability to serve.


Help us Help Others.

If you are interested in giving of your time, talent or treasure, we encourage you to discover more through this website and contact us. We would welcome the opportunity to connect you in a way that fits your desire to make a difference where you live.

For more information please email us at volunteers@svdpcle.org


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