Abba House Perry

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Faith-Based
  • Hunger


2089 B US Hwy 41 S2089B US 41SPerry, GA 31069 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

At Abba House, our ministries are focused on "helping broken women be made whole" by helping them break free from addiction and abuse. Our Christ-centered ministry allows women to first reconcile to God, and then to their families.


Many of us enjoy what we do and find great fulfillment in our careers and family. But what if there is something more that God is calling us to do? God calls each of us to be His hands and His arms to those who are broken. We have been misled to believe that some of the problems people have, particularly as it relates to addiction, are too serious for us to help.

"Experts" tell us that these are such serious diseases that only very specialized and educated people, like doctors, can help. Our staff at Abba House is made up mostly of laypersons, many of whom are former drug abusers. The majority are "peer counselors" who have experienced tremendous transformation in their own lives. And with their help, lives are being changed and people are overcoming their addictions and their deep wounds.

The medical community wants to give someone a pill to make them feel better rather than addressing the real problem. The truth is that most of the broken people I have ministered to in the last twenty years were wounded in their lives and needed healing from those wounds. They did not receive the love they needed to believe they were valuable. Providing things to people does not convey to them that they are valuable. Rather, spending time with them as they share their stories and walking with them through a process of forgiveness and healing shows them they are loved and valuable. YOU CAN DO THAT!

Right now, we are praying that God will send several couples to be the godly parents and grandparents that many hurting people never had. Here’s an example of what you could do. Maybe you have excellent culinary skills and can produce whole foods to bring back to life the broken bodies of those who have been trapped in addiction. Your mate might have excellent management skills with a background in running a business. If you love God and want to help Abba House, you could use your talents and be part of this incredible family that leads those who struggle out of darkness into the light.


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