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  • Arts & Culture
  • Children & Youth
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  • Education & Literacy


6550 W 80TH STLOS ANGELES, CA 90045 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

WISH Charter Elementary School is a free public independent charter school within the boundaries of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). WISH serves students in Kindergarten though sixth grade. Each element of the WISH model is research-based and grounded in best practices in the field of education. WISH is located on the Westside of Los Angeles in Westchester, at 6550 West 80th Street, Los Angeles, California, 90045.

The WISH mission is to maximize every child's learning potential within an atmosphere of caring and belonging. WISH's instructional philosophy rests upon the concepts of hands on learning, meaningful instructional activities, systematic instruction, and a collaborative group of professionals working together to make the learning environment exciting for students. Evidence-based teaching strategies are tailored to meet individual development.

Through individualized learning profiles, WISH empowers and inspires learners to reach their highest potential. With an emphasis on developing character, technology skills, and a deep understanding of the world, WISH prepares students to be leaders.

WISH is modeled after the award-winning CHIME Charter Elementary School in Woodland Hills, which received the distinction of "Charter School of the Year" by the US Dept. of Education in 2005.


WISH Charter Elementary School is a free public independent charter school within the boundaries of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). WISH serves students in Kindergarten though sixth grade. Each element of the WISH model is research-based and grounded in best practices in the field of education. WISH is located on the Westside of Los Angeles in Westchester, at 6550 West 80th Street, Los Angeles, California, 90045.

The WISH mission is to maximize every child's learning potential within an atmosphere of caring and belonging. The WISH instructional philosophy rests upon the concepts of hands-on learning, meaningful instructional activities, systematic instruction, and a collaborative group of professionals working together to make the learning environment exciting for students. Evidence-based teaching strategies are tailored to meet individual development.

WISH is modeled after the award-winning CHIME Charter Elementary School in Woodland Hills, which received the distinction of "Charter School of the Year" by the US Department of Education in 2005.

Core elements of the WISH model

  • Optimal Class Size: All grade K-3 classrooms have approximately 20 students. Grades 4-6 have 25 students. Small class size ensures that the individual needs of the diverse student community can be met using data-driven decision-making processes and innovative curriculum.
  • Collaborative Teaming: Highly qualified, credentialed teachers, designated instructional service providers, supervised student teachers, and paraprofessionals work together in the classroom. Teams hold daily debriefing meetings where each practitioner identifies a success, challenge, and action for serving students better tomorrow. Debriefing develops shared responsibility and accountability between practitioners. It provides a daily forum to work together to develop and implement innovative curriculum and instructional strategies for all students. Grade-level teams co-plan, co-assess, and co-teach.
  • Differentiated Instruction: Through individualized learning profiles, WISH empowers and inspires learners to reach their highest potential. WISH prepares students to be leaders by emphasizing academic achievement, using a variety of modalities, developing character, building technology skills, and developing a deep understanding of the world.
  • Family Partnerships: The WISH Community Association (WCA) is comprised of parents, teachers, staff members and community members. Working together we have built an incredible public school that is responsive to each child we serve. Volunteers are central to the success of WISH. The partnerships built with families have led to a thriving and nurturing environment for children.
  • All Children Belong: Each class builds a strong, inclusive community together! The exceptional teachers at WISH are highly trained to provide rich access to all students using GATE strategies, differentiated instruction, technology and hands-on learning experiences. Important academic, social, and ethical skills and attitudes are developed when students with various strengths, needs and backgrounds learn together.
  • Affiliation with Loyola Marymount University's School of Education: As a research to practice site, WISH Charter engages in continual study with university professors, pre-service practitioners, and in-service specialists in order to provide an instructional model that ensures innovation and maintains best practices. LMU's nationally recognized School of Education is located in close proximity to the WISH campus. WISH faculty received a competitive two-year grant to refine and develop Math and Science instruction from the Cotsen Foundation provided by LMU's College of Education CMAST center. The CMAST (Center for Math and Science Technology) professors from LMU and teacher leaders work directly with WISH faculty through this prestigious apprenticeship and experiential model for professional development.

Constructivist approach to Learning
"Tell me, I forget. Show me, I remember. Involve me, I understand." Chinese proverb
WISH adheres to the idea that children learn best by utilizing the principles of the constructivist theory. Constructivism emphasizes an internal-oriented approach in which by asserting one's knowledge, as well as participating in the learning process itself, learning is constructed by learner's interpretation of their own experiences. Learners benefit from working collaboratively in groups so that they can hear different perspectives and accomplish the learning tasks with the help of their peers and experts. Learning is an active process that is facilitated when learners are given chances to express and evaluate their own thinking.

Grade Levels
WISH offers instruction in grades transitional K through six. The total enrollment in year one of operation was 140 students, in year two it was 220 students, and year three it was 290 students. WISH anticipates about 380 students by year five.

An Innovative Learning Community
WISH inspires and motivates students using innovative curriculum, technology and hands on learning activities.


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