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Reach Out and Read Minnesota

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Education & Literacy
  • Health & Medicine


3800 American BLVD WSuite 1500-8013Bloomington, MN 55431 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

We seek to give young children a foundation for success through the powerful effects of reading and sharing a story with a loved one. We do this by incorporating books into children's routine pediatric care visits and encouraging families to read together.


Reach Out and Read builds on the unique and influential relationship between parents and medical providers to develop critical early parent-child book-sharing routines, beginning in the infant and toddler years. Research shows that Reach Out and Read successfully prompts families to read together more often, such that children served in clinics that participate in the program, develop stronger language expression and comprehension skills.

Reach Out and Read Minnesota serves over 175,000 Minnesota children through nearly 300 participating clinics.


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