Midori & Friends
Cause Area
- Arts & Culture
- Children & Youth
- Community
352 Seventh Ave., Suite 301New York, NY 10001 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Founded in 1992 by the concert violinist Midori, Midori & Friends provides children in underserved New York City public schools with comprehensive music education programs. Focusing on children with little or no access to the arts, our programs are offered at no cost to students and are available to all children regardless of skill, ability, or background. Through general music activities, instrument instruction, and live performances, Midori & Friends programs open windows of exploration for children, improving their education by enhancing their creativity, providing them with new avenues of learning, and increasing their self-esteem and mastery of skills.
Founded in 1992 by the concert violinist Midori, Midori & Friends serves New York City public schools by providing, at no cost to the individual student, comprehensive music education programs of the highest quality. Focusing on children with little or no access to the arts, Midori & Friends programming is integrated into the academic component of the school curricula affording children a window into diverse cultures and developing their potential for an aesthic experience. Children are able to uncover a new means of self-expression and a greater appreciation for music, as well as the arts in general through participation in our programs. These interactive experiences provide students with a solid foundation in music education.
Midori & Friends has presented free educational programs by Midori, distinguished ensembles, and teaching artists to more than 110,000 school children during the past twelve years. One of our primary goals is to develop programs that are a catalyst for the reinstitution of public school music education programs, which have suffered dramatic budget cuts over the past three decades. Ourprograms offer a sequential approach to music education providing both broad-based and specific hands-on musical experiences. When designing programs with our partner schools, it is our goal to develop not only our own programs over the course of time, but to work in tandem with other arts organizations to afford the children an all-inclusive meaningful experience. Our programs are tailored to meet the individual needs of each partner school.Midori & Friends programs engage students through active participation, active listening, and active observation. School partnerships are offered in all boroughs, and Family Community Concerts provide the entire community with an opportunity to experience what we offer the children in their schools during the day.
Our students experience live performances in their schools by various prominent individuals and ensembles. Our concert series present music of instrumental and cultural diversity. Pre-concert workshops, presented by one of the performing artists from each featured ensemble, give students an in-depth understanding of the many new ideas and sounds they will hear and experience at upcoming concert programs.
To introduce children and families to the many different types of music, ensembles provided represent a variety of musical genres. Students have the opportunity to discover the music of different cultures, through informative educational components included in all presentations. For many children,as well as their families, this is their first and most memorable experiences with renowned performing ensembles and artists.