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Interim Hospice

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Health & Medicine
  • Seniors
  • Veterans & Military Families


510 N. 17th AveSuite AWausau, WI 54401 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Interim Hospice and Palliative Care optimizes the quality of life for patients and families who are living with a terminal and/or life threatening illness by anticipating, treating and preventing suffering and facilitating patient autonomy, access to information and choice in the physical, social, psychological and spiritual dimensions of holistic care and services provided by our compassionate interdisciplinary team.


Volunteers provide important services to the community. Whether it's providing companionship to a person in the final months or weeks of life, offering support to family members and caregivers, providing assistance in the office or helping with community outreach, the contributions of volunteers are an essential part of Interim Hospice & Palliative Care. And, there is no greater feeling than knowing you have made someone's day just by being you.


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