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Friends of Chicago Animal Care and Control

Cause Area

  • Animals
  • Community


2741 South Western AveChicago, IL 60608 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Friends of Chicago Animal Care and Control is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support the goals of the City of Chicago Animal Care and Control in their efforts to care for and find homes for thousands of rescued and unwanted animals.


Friends of Chicago Animal Care and Control was founded because the city shelter is tremendously short on volunteers and money but unlike other rescue organizations, the city shelter is not allowed to fundraise to achieve the goal to place every adoptable animal into a loving home. We assist by throwing charity events, reaching out to volunteers, acting as a watchdog and as a supportive adjunct to the city's biggest and only "open-admission" animal shelter (most shelters have limited admission policies while the city will accept any animal for any reason, 24 hours a day). Help us place the many furry faces!


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4 reviews Write a review
by Kerry B. (January 22, 2009)
ACC is a great place to volunteer. I came in with a friend almost a year ago and was so touched that I just felt I had to do volunteer. I have a crazy schedule so one thing I do like is that there are no set hours that you are requred to sign up for. Some dedicated individuals come every week, others just once or twice a month. There are even special events that you can volunteer to work at. As was mentioned before, unless there are volunteers to walk the dogs, they don't get to enjoy a walk in the fresh air, which is so important, especially to the ones who have A LOT of energy. The volunteer coordinator does a wonderful job of keeping us informed of the happenings of the ACC. It's such a great feeling when you get an email saying a dog you just walked got adopted. Stop by and sign up to volunteer, who knows, you just might find a new friend.
by Margaret F. from Countryside, IL (January 19, 2009)
For those who can't have pets or just love pets, this is the place to volunteer. The staff at AC&C do a great job of feeding and maintaining the homeless animals in this city shelter with limited resources. The volunteers are the only ones who walk the dogs so if no volunteers, no walks at all. The animals are always thrilled to see you come and sad to see you go. No set schedule so if you have an hour or 2 or 3 anytime during open hours 7 days a week, you are always welcome. Socialize the kitties, walk the dogs and play with the rabbits, it's always a fun time and you leave feeling you have really been useful. Have you had your hug and face lick today??
by Charlie P. from Chicago, IL (January 10, 2009)
If you want to feel needed, this is the place to go. The city shelter takes in roughly 25,000 animals a year and doesn't have the staff to provide them with much more than food, shelter and medical care. Volunteers are critical here, truly adding to the quality of life of the animals and important in helping the adopting public make the right match as well as helping owners find lost pets. Volunteers keep in touch with each other via an email group, highlighting individual animal needs as well as information on who has found their forever home. You feel part of something big, important, and rewarding here.
by Janet W. (January 6, 2009)
Chicago Animal Care and Control is actually a great place to volunteer. ***The more people that volunteer, the more animals get adopted into good homes.*** It's a great feeling. In my experience, no shelter in Chicago needs volunteers more than they do. Pls. volunteer or donate or both! Also they have great cats and dogs to adopt! Friends really does support the shelter, helping to raise money, do PR, etc. If you want to volunteer at the shelter showing dogs and cats to potential adopters and exercising the dogs, or doing important data entry that's amazing too.

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