Would you recommend Baja Dog Rescue?
A good non-profit that does a great job screening people who want to adopt rescues, ensuring the right fit for each puppy. Also, the volunteers are fun to work with.
I came in a bit later then I intended, I guess they start the event around 9am, but I was there about 10am. They were still very nice about it and had no issues with me showing up late. I had a lot of fun! The puppies were so cute and I goat chance to play with each one of them. I helped answer a few questions from people who wanted to adopt and it felt really good to make a difference. The thing that really surprised me is that they buy lunch for you! It was the sweetest thing. They asked everyone what we wanted and ran and picked up lunch and everything. And during the event they provided snacks and drinks as well. I am very impressed on how well they take care of their volunteers. I was only going to stay a couple of hours but decided to remain the full event. Had a blast!
They Really Care!
I have never seen a group so dedicated to the welfare and rescue of animals. I was not sure at first when I arrived what I would expect but I spoke with a couple of people there while I was volunteering. They seem to have an extensive rescue operation in Mexico and work really hard trying to get these sweet dogs adopted. They are very knowledgable about all the medical stuff too! They made me feel welcome at the event and I got to play with the pups some. Overall I enjoyed myself and feel like I gave my time to an organization that really goes above and beyond. If you want to give your time to a group that really cares you should choose this one.
As much as I loved seeing so many puppies get adopted and am grateful there are organizations out there like this, I will most likely never return to volunteer. CeCe was very pleasant via email but not at all in person. Simply put, she was rude and did not seem to appreciate anyone's help who was volunteering, even one of the "regulars". Also she gave very little direction as to what needed to be done but expected us to know. I don’t expect an award for taking my time to help but to show some appreciation for us volunteers I don’t believe is too much to ask. I wish them nothing but the best and hope they continue the successful adoptions for the puppies sake but a more pleasant “leader” would probably do them some good.
Cece was rude and unappreciative of our time and effort today, she accused us of not "doing anything" when we worked harder than most of the other volunteers. We were given few instructions and did everything that was asked of us, yet she was still ungrateful.
I strongly agree with this organization's mission, however, I was thoroughly disappointed with their volunteer coordinator, Cece. She was astonishingly unappreciative of her volunteers and spoke to us condescendingly. Upon arriving, I was given no information on what to do or how to help. This kind of disorganization can be typical of nonprofits, but I was thoroughly disappointed in how inconvenienced she seemed by my presence. The other volunteers, however, were extremely helpful and friendly, especially Ron, who spent the most time with the volunteers in the puppy pen, and seemed genuinely pleased with the event. I felt successful after my time there this morning, having seen 4 dogs find their forever homes, but extremely put off in regards to returning simply because of the animosity I felt from Cece. I am willing to return, in the hopes that it was an off day and in the future the organization is significantly more appreciative of the volunteers who donate time to help the dogs.