Flexible Schedule
Washington, DC 20002
VITAS invites friendly and well-behaved pets to join the Paw Pals SM program, in which animals and their humans learn how to visit patients at the end of their life. A registered VITAS Paw Pals SM visitor can offer comfort, bring back memories, encourage activity and provide unconditional love to VITAS patients. Your visits leave behind memories of you and your pet, and rekindle thoughts of other pets. Pet visits can sometimes reach a patient when no one else can. Our Paw Pals SM brightens the day for everyone when they visit. All kinds of pets are invited to join VITAS’ Paw Pals Club. Paw Pals SM must be well-groomed, at least one- year old, and have up-to-date health records. For more information about VITAS visit VITAS.com.
Date Posted: Jan 24, 2025
Flexible Schedule
Virtual Opportunity
VITAS is looking for caring individuals to share their voice and time as Proactive Caller Volunteers to help terminally ill patients and their families. If you enjoy talking on the phone and have time to make check-in calls, you may be a perfect ProActive Caller Volunteer. Our Proactive volunteers make "check-in" phone calls to our hospice patients and their family members. You can work from your dorm room, apartment, home, or the VITAS office. You’ll call patients at home, asking how they are doing, checking on needed supplies, listening, and identifying any service concerns. VITAS provides free volunteer orientation to help you learn the skills required to be an outstanding volunteer caller. Volunteering can strengthen your resume for post-college job interviews and careers. For more information about VITAS Volunteer Services, visit https://www.vitas.com/volunteer
Date Posted: Jan 15, 2025
Flexible Schedule
Virtual Opportunity
VITAS Healthcare(r) is looking for people who love to sew and who are able to share their skills with hospice patients and families. A Memory Bear, sewn by a volunteer with compassion and love, is a forever friend who can ease a hurting heart after the death of a VITAS hospice patient. Sewn from a favorite pair of jeans, a pullover top, dress, bathrobe or nightgown, a Memory Bear may recall the closeness of a loved one, bring a smile to someone in distress, or offer a sense of security to a child who feels alone after the loss of a parent or sibling. This is a great opportunity for you to give back to the community. By taking time out of your busy work week you can make the biggest difference in another’s life.
Date Posted: Jan 24, 2025
Flexible Schedule
Washington, DC 20008
VITAS is looking for kind and caring people to help terminally ill patients and their families. Friendly visits, simple errands, providing a listening ear, and the gift of friendship at a crucial time can make a real difference in another's life. Yours, too! Other VITAS volunteer activities include: relief care (sit with a patient while the caregiver takes a break); friendly visits to patients and their families at home or in a nursing home; driving a patient to appointments; accompanying a patient to a church function, wedding, beauty shop, play, ballgame; run errands to the grocery store, drug store, post office; assist with programs and special events. VITAS Volunteer orientation is provided free of charge to help you learn the skills required to be an outstanding hospice volunteer. Time and dates are ongoing and flexible. For more information about VITAS visit VITAS.com.
Date Posted: Jan 24, 2025
Flexible Schedule
Virtual Opportunity
Amazing opportunity! VITAS is looking for caring individuals to share their voice and time as Telephone Assurance Program (TAP) Volunteers to help terminally ill patients and their families. TAP is a program where in home hospice patients (and their family members) receive "check-in" phone calls by VITAS TAP Volunteers. If you enjoy talking on the phone and have time to make a few phone calls, you may be a perfect TAP Volunteer. Volunteers work from their own homes or from the VITAS office, by checking on VITAS patients in their homes. TAP Volunteers inquire about how patients and families are doing, provide grief support and/or simply listen. VITAS Volunteer orientation is provided free of charge to help you learn the skills required to be an outstanding TAP Volunteer. Time and dates are ongoing and flexible.
Date Posted: Jan 24, 2025