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CASA of Lackawanna County

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Justice & Legal


846 Jefferson AveSCRANTON, PA 18501 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Advocate for abused and/or neglected children; give them hope, support and encouragement; enhance their resiliency; and ensure that their voices are heard as the juvenile court system seeks safe, permanent, and nurturing homes.


Once assigned to a case, the CASA volunteer reviews court, school, medical and caseworker records. The CASA volunteer talks with everyone involved including parents, foster parents, social workers, school officials, health providers and most importantly, the child. The CASA then provides the judge with a factual, written report to help the court make a well-informed, timely decision about that child's future.

During the life of a case, a CASA volunteer monitors the child's situation to make sure he/she remains safe. CASA volunteers may be the only constant the child knows as he/she moves through the labyrinth of the child welfare system.


Would you recommend CASA of Lackawanna County?
1 review Write a review
by Bassabi B. (October 4, 2024)
I’m going to have a little baby soon; he’s going to be my first. I need to prepare for the role of a father and understand what it’s like to be able to help him. I like to recommend this organization to all my friends because it helps them grow and make a difference in their family lives. It also helps the organization become known as the best place that focuses on child development through a variety of programs.

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