Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Education & Literacy
1140 3rd Street NESuite 320Washington, DC 20002 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
PeerForward unleashes the power of influential high school students in low-income districts across the U.S. to boost school-wide college preparation and enrollment.
In low-income communities across America, PeerForward trains teams of high school students to guide their peers through making a postsecondary plan. These teams are part of a national movement to strengthen the college-going cultures in high schools across the country using the power of positive peer influence. By organizing school-wide activities and events throughout the school year, Peer Leaders educate their peers about postsecondary education options, increase the number of students enrolling in higher education, and ensure all students are prepared for life after high school. Peer Leaders not only change the culture in their high schools, but they are also part of a movement that leverages the power of students to make college the expectation, not the exception!