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Kern Behavioral Health and Recovery Services

Cause Area

  • Crisis Support
  • Emergency & Safety
  • Health & Medicine
  • LGBTQ+
  • Veterans & Military Families


P.O. Box 1000Bakersfield, CA 93302 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Mission Statement: Working together to achieve hope, healing and a meaningful life in the community Vision Statement: People with mental illness and addictions recover to achieve their hopes and dreams, enjoy opportunities to learn, work, and contribute to their community. Value Statements: We value the whole person - mind, body and spirit We honor the potential in everyone We focus on the person, not the illness We embrace diversity We acknowledge that relapse is not a personal failure We recognize authority over our lives empowers us to make choices, solve problems and plan for the future Services provided by Kern County Mental Health Department ("KCMH") play an important role in fulfilling the mission of empowering individuals affected by behavioral health issues to achieve the highest quality of life. With this mission in mind, KCMH implements the Department’s vision.


The Kern Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (Kern BHRSH) is a voluntary program designed to provide individual and family support to consumers and potential consumers of mental health services. The KCMHH provides crisis counseling, suicide intervention, and referrals for immediate crisis services. The KCMHH also provides information about community-based resources and assists individuals in making contact with those resources whenever possible. The goal is to provide an immediately available telephone-based counseling resource to individuals in crisis.

Kern BHRSH will provide all of the training needed to be a competent Crisis Interventionist and prepares each Volunteer to effectively handle a variety of crisis situations. The Kern BHRSH requires a one year commitment of eight hours a week from each volunteer. Every effort is made to accommodate the volunteer's work and/or school obligations. Volunteers on the KCMHH are scheduled on shifts anytime between 8a and 8p, Monday through Friday.


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