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k9 connection

Cause Area

  • Animals
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Homeless & Housing


2116 Arlington Ave., Suite 100Los Angeles, CA 90018 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The k9 connection program provides essential services and supplies so pets of people experiencing homelessness can be healthy, happy and safe through the PETS LANDING PROJECT; and helps disadvantaged youth build life skills through the experience of training and bonding with shelter dogs, in continuation high schools through the k9 ACADEMY.


k9 connection has been a program of The People Concern since 2005.

k9 connection works to optimize and support healthy human animal bonds, by providing services through their two main projects:
* k9 Academy
* Pets’ Landing

When you support k9 connection, you are helping pets of people experiencing homelessness to be healthy, happy and safe through the Pets’ Landing project; and empowering vulnerable youth by engaging them in animal-assisted interventions through k9 connection’s on-site programs (k9 Academy) held at continuation highs schools.

All of the projects and activities that are part of k9 connection are unique and serve dual populations: (1) disadvantaged youth and shelter dogs; and (2) pets of people experiencing homelessness. For the latter, by offering the free clinics, we have also expanded our reach to serve the clients of other social services staff beyond TPC, as well as those individuals living with their pets on the streets.


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3 reviews Write a review
by Juliet B. from Los Angeles, CA (Administrator for this Organization) (October 1, 2010)
Program is not discontinued. Going strong with year round programs.
by Roxanne S. (May 1, 2010)
This program is NOT discontinued! Going strong running programs throughout the year.
by Elizabeth E. from Los Angeles, CA (February 10, 2010)
K9 Connection discontinued this program as of today.
Previously Flagged and Approved

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