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GA Mountains RSVP (Retired & Senior Volunteer Program)

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Emergency & Safety
  • Hunger
  • Seniors


Legacy Link Area Agency on Aging4080 Mundy Mill RdOakwood, GA 30566 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The RSVP mission is to improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic engagement through service and volunteering.


RSVP is a national volunteer program which matches individuals ages 55+ with volunteer opportunities at organizations dedicated to improving their local communities. Volunteer positions are available in the North Georgia counties of Banks, Dawson, Forsyth, Franklin, Habersham, Hall, Lumpkin, Towns, Union, and White. Share your experience, skills, talents, and wisdom with volunteer programs in your local area to benefit members of your community. You receive assistance with matching your skills to a volunteer position and locating sites at which to volunteer; recognition and appreciation for volunteering; and free supplemental accident and liability insurance while serving as an RSVP Volunteer. RSVP is an AmeriCorps Seniors program funded and administered by AmeriCorps, the Federal Agency for volunteering and Service. Georgia Mountains RSVP is sponsored by Legacy Link, Area Agency on Aging, which provides services for older adults across North Georgia.


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