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NAMI Greater Boston Consumer Advocacy Network

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Arts & Culture
  • Health & Medicine
  • Homeless & Housing


Plaza Level - Lindemann25 Staniford StreetBoston, MA 02114 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

NAMI GB CAN (NAMI Greater Boston Consumer Advocacy Network) provides support, education and advocacy. We are a grassroots organization of people with lived experience of mental health treatment (Peers). We are an affiliate of NAMI-MASS (National Alliance on Mental Illness of Massachusetts). We are dedicated to eliminating the stigma and discrimination of those labeled with mental illness.

NAMI is known as the "Nation's Voice on Mental Illness" and we at GB-CAN believe that this voice must be recovery-oriented and value the lived experience of Peers.

Our website is


NAMI Greater Boston Consumer Advocacy Network (NAMI GBCAN) is an
affilliate of NAMI Massachusetts (National Alliance on Mental Illness of Massachusetts). While anyone is welcome
to join or volunteer, most of our active members have lived experience with mental health treatment.

We are dedicated to eliminating the stigma and discrimination of those labeled with mental illness,
fighting for rights and helping people become employed. Our pillars of advocacy are
support, education and advocacy. We do much advocacy work by going to the state house
and serving on boards and committees. NAMI Greater Boston Consumer Advocacy Network (NAMI GBCAN) is an
affilliate of NAMI Massachusetts (National Alliance on Mental Illness of Massachusetts). While anyone is welcome
to join, most of our active members have lived experience with mental health treatment.

We are dedicated to eliminating the stigma and discrimination of those labeled with mental illness,
fighting for rights and helping people become employed. Our pillars of advocacy are
support, education and advocacy. We do much advocacy work by going to the state house
and serving on boards and committees. By affiliating with NAMI we have access to the NAMI Connection
support group model, the In Our Own Voice speakers program and more. As NAMI is known as the
"Nation's Voice on Mental Illness" we at NAMI GBCAN want this voice to be recovery-oriented and
value the lived experience of our peers.

We are an partner of the Metro Boston Recovery Learning Community
and help staff the Hope Recovery Center

We also help people navigate the mental health system and provide numerous social activities
for our members.


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