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Siriafrika Ecoventures

Cause Area

  • Animals
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Environment
  • Health & Medicine


1588Nairobi, 00100Kenya Kenya

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To promote programs that will reach out to the needy communities in the grassroots projects that work towards self sustainability, alleviating porvety, improving environment and local cultures


We are a Kenyan based organization that work with non profit community based organizations and developmental projects across the country in rural setups.

We mobilize volunteers with various skills and place them in the relevant projects where they live within the community while working in the project.

we accept volunteers stay for a minimum period of 2 weeks with long termm arrangements posible depending on the specific project aplied for.

Volunteers are charged a small fees that will cater for their accomodation, food, tarnsportation and other neccesities while in the project.


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