Seattle Vaccine Trials Unit

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • LGBTQ+
  • Race & Ethnicity
  • Women


901 Boren Ave #1320Seattle, WA 98104 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Seattle HIV Vaccine Trials Unit (HVTU) is a program of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the University of Washington.

The Seattle HVTU is a local site for the HIV Vaccine Network (HVTN) --an international effort to test and find an HIV vaccine that will work safely in diverse populations worldwide.

In existence since 1987 we are dedicated to working with our local community to provide HIV vaccine education and research for people interested in fighting HIV. We work with community based organizations such as Lifelong AIDS Alliance, Gay City, NW Microbicide Coalition and African American Reach and Teach Ministries.

Together with our volunteers, we hope to end the pandemic of HIV/AIDS .


We look for volunteers who are 18-50, HIV-negative and are in general good health to participate in our HIV vaccine research studies. The vaccine will not protect you from HIV. There is no HIV in the vaccine so there is no way to get the virus from anything we give you.


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