The Turning Point (Rape Crisis Center)

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Health & Medicine
  • Women


3325 SilverstonePlano, TX 75023 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to provide counseling, education, and advocacy for those impacted by sexual violence.


Free services are provided to victims of all forms of sexual violence including: attempted sexual assault, childhood sexual abuse, date rape, incest, marital rape, and sexual harassment, no matter how long ago the incident occurred. Our services are provided by staff and trained volunteers.

We also provide free education to the middle schools, high schools, colleges, and the general community on topics such as bullying, sexual harassment, date rape, and other forms of sexual violence.


Would you recommend The Turning Point (Rape Crisis Center)?
1 review Write a review
by Keila O. from TX (January 10, 2012)
I started volunteering at The Turning Point over 2 years ago and I'm so glad I decided to do so. I love The Turning Point, what they do, and what they stand for. The training is everything you need to help survivors and the help they provide to those who need it is the most thorough and efficient. This isn't for the faint of heart and dealing with something so heavy isn't for everyone but if this is something you're passionate about, volunteers are given the tools and opportunity to make a real difference. From crisis calls to hospital visits, it's intense but the most rewarding experience. There is definite flexibility as far as weekends and evenings and the staff is great. I'm actually picking up a shift this Friday and I heard classes start soon...

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