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Minds Matter of the Twin Cities, Inc.

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy


900 Nicollet MallMinneapolis, MN 55402 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our mission is to transform the lives of accomplished high school students from low-income families by broadening their dreams and preparing them for college success.


Launched in New York City in 1991, Minds Matter is a non-profit organization that was created to mentor high-achieving, low-income high school students who have the potential and ambition to pursue a college education, but who lacked the resources to achieve that dream. Since the founding year, Minds Matter has grown into a national organization with ten chapters across the United States in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Boston, Massachusetts; Chicago, Illinois; Cleveland, Ohio; Denver, Colorado; Los Angeles, California; New York City, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Portland, Oregon; and San Francisco, California. Most importantly, the effectiveness of Minds Matter has been affirmed - 100 percent of its students have been accepted into a four-year college. In Fall 2012, we look forward to working with the students of Minnesota as the newest addition - Minds Matter Twin Cities.


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