Flexible Schedule
Virtual Opportunity
The Human Rights Standing Committee In 1999, state regulations governing services to people with developmental disabilities were revised and the composition of standing committees were regulated at that time. The establishment of a Human Rights Standing Committee (HRSC) is required by The Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) What is the role of the Human Rights Standing Committee? Ø Ensuring that policies, programs and activities of SEEC are consistent with the rights and dignities of the people SEEC supports. This includes promoting innovative, quality support services and viewing complaints of human rights violations and actions taken to correct and/or remedy such violations. Ø Ensuring the health, safety and welfare of individuals receiving services. SEEC staff will identify, report, and resolve incidents in a timely manner. An incident includes an allegation or an actual occurrence of an event that adversely and/or has the potential to negatively affect the health, safety, and welfare of a person. By identifying any trends, SEEC is better able to identify training needs of staff and promote quality service delivery. The HRSC will review quarterly reports and trends of incident reports. Ø Review for approval all behavior plans which use restrictive techniques to ensure that the behavior plan complies with the requirements of COMAR 10:22.04.03A and 10:22.10 The purpose of the HRSC is to review the quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities. The HRSC helps with: * Taking an unbiased look at agency practice * Developing creative solutions to problems * Bringing fresh ideas into agencies The HRSC performs the following: * Assist agency with quality assurance functions * Reviews incident reports * Approves behavior plans using restrictive techniques * Ensures that the legal and human rights of Individual served by the licensee.
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2024
Flexible Schedule
, 20901
SEEC is looking for a fun and engaging trail master guide to help support two individuals reciving services from SEEC. SEEC is a local nonprofit that helps adults with developmental disablitles live, work, and thrive in the community. The volunteer must be kind, patient, creative, and understanding. This role involves meeting once a week with the people we support for 2-3 hours on a nature trail. The volunteer will answer any questions about the local plants or animals encountered during the walk. Therefore, knowledge of local animals and birds is essential for this position. Some of the trails may include, but are not limited to, Brookside Gardens and Lake Needlewood.
Date Posted: Jun 19, 2024
Flexible Schedule
, 20910
What is the role of the mentor? - A mentor will act as a guide for the mentee as they develop hands-on skills about how to become self-employed and what it takes to run and develop a business. A mentor will be someone that a mentee can lean on for advice, motivates the mentee with feedback and active listening, and is eager to learn as much as they want to teach. Mentor Criteria and Expectations: - The mentor will be knowledgeable in the business industry, preferably someone who has run or currently runs their own business or someone who has business knowledge that would be applicable for start-ups and small businesses. - The individuals in the program are relatively new to managing a business and could benefit from encouragement in business basics, e.g. invoicing, customer service, managing financials, basic business practices, etc. - The mentor should utilize simple business terms for comprehension and understanding. - The mentor shall exhibit patience and understanding about how an individual with developmental, intellectual, and learning disabilities have different learning styles and different levels of prior knowledge and experience in business. - The mentor’s time commitment to this program could exceed the 6-month training program and into the early years of the cohort’s business, if the mentor and mentee agree to an extended relationship. However, the priority would be mentoring for the 6-month program. - The mentor shall meet with the mentee twice a month, one-on-one, and preferably in-person to reinforce lessons, provide any help, and answer any questions that the mentee may have. The meetings will be informal and based on a mutual time and place for both parties. o The mentor will strengthen lessons’ key points in various business topics including what is a business, business concept exploration and development, business feasibility, setting up a business, business planning, and more. o The mentor will be provided with the topics and materials covered during the program. - The mentor shall email a monthly feedback update to Jacqueline Neal ( jneal@seeconline.org ) about the mentee’s learning progress. In a monthly email, it would be helpful to provide answers to the following questions, as well as any other pertinent comments or information: o What have you seen the mentee embrace and apply to their business? o What have you seen the mentee have challenges with? o Any other thoughts or suggestions about the mentee or the program. - All mentors must take SEEC training, which will be a combination of the Volunteer Orientation and a presentation on the Self-Employment program specifics. We will work with you so it will be conveniently scheduled.
Date Posted: Jul 31, 2024