Chicago Irish Immigrant Support

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Immigrants & Refugees
  • Seniors


4626 N knox Ave #301Chicago, IL 60630 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Chicago Irish Immigrant Support is a not-for-profit immigration and social services provider serving the Irish, Irish American, and broader communities of Chicago and beyond.


Immigration Services

Chicago Irish Immigrant Support offers a full range of free immigration and naturalization services; we primarily process family-based immigration petitions and offer advice and referral where necessary. We also advocate strongly for comprehensive immigration reform for the estimated 55,000 undocumented Irish workers in the USA, 5,000 of who are estimated to live in the Chicago Consular area. We also provide assistance to summer J1 visa students, helping them to find employment, secure housing and provide help in times of difficulty. Our services have expanded to recently include advice and assistance to the 12 month Irish J visa students who have moved to the Chicago area under the new scheme.

Social Services

Our social services programs predominately serve the needs of seniors. We run drop in senior group meetings which generally feature an educational guest speaker or cultural entertainment. These meetings and the programming we offer provide an outlet for social interaction, educational opportunities, and a chance to explore and identify with Irish culture. We also provide case management and advocacy services to community dwelling seniors who are isolated and vulnerable. We seek to build meaningful relationships with them and use this connection and trust to facilitate positive change in their lives. Currently we also contract with the city of Chicago under their Intensive Case Advocacy and Support Program which offers these kinds of services to seniors living in the community. We are also involved with the Golden Diners Program which offers affordable, nutritious lunches to seniors. We act a s a site for this program four days each week.


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