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Lake Mead National Recreation Area

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Environment
  • Seniors
  • Veterans & Military Families


601 Nevada WayBoulder City, NV 89005 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement


Lake Mead Volunteer-in-Parks Program integrates volunteers in all areas of park operations, building capacity and support through a meaningful park experience for a well trained volunteer work force.


Lake Mead Volunteer-in-Parks Program involves individuals and groups in the preservation and enhancement of the park’s natural and cultural resources and recreational opportunities in an atmosphere of respect and collaboration.


Volunteers-In-Parks (VIPs) are Very Important People to Lake Mead National Recreation Area (NRA)! Volunteers contribute their time and energy to help us to protect the magnificent natural and cultural areas entrusted to us, the National Park Service. Volunteers go home with a sense of pride of having participated in something worthwhile. If you want to be part of protecting this precious public land, Lake Mead National Recreation Area is that national park!

Lake Mead Volunteers are essential to the park’s commitment to the visitor and the resources since they support all aspects of operations. Lake Mead NRA has 4700 volunteers who donate over 120,000 hours to the park operations each year. All the work volunteers accomplish could not ever be done by park staff alone. They make a huge difference!

Volunteers assist us in many areas of the park’s operations. Here are just a few ways:

  • Monitoring the encroachment of non-native species on native species habitat
  • Seed collection
  • Monitoring cultural site
  • Public programs
  • Hike leaders
  • Visitor center ambassadors
  • Environmental education
  • Campground maintenance
  • Campground hosts
  • Administrative duties
  • Boating safety
  • Litter removal
  • Trail watch
  • Adopt-a-cove

Come and be part of a team of volunteers that helps us every day in full filling our mission to serve the visitors and protect the resources.


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