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The Limb Preservation Foundation

Cause Area

  • Health & Medicine
  • People with Disabilities


PO Box 270530Littleton, CO 80127 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The mission of the Limb Preservation Foundation is providing support and community for those experiencing life and limb threatening conditions. The goal of The Foundation is to enhance the quality of life for those individuals facing limb-threatening conditions due to trauma, tumor, or infection through research, patient assistance, and educational programs.


The Limb Preservation Foundation provides hope, help, and possibilities to those threatened by or experiencing limb-loss. We do this through providing financial assistance, peer support, care packages, educational scholarships, and medical education including our annual Limb Loss Symposium. We rely on volunteers to support events, serve as peer mentors, create and send care packages, and assist with administrative help. To learn more visit www.limbpreservation.org.


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