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The Center for Volunteer Caregiving

Cause Area

  • Community
  • People with Disabilities
  • Seniors


1150 SE Maynard RD, Suite 210Cary, NC 27511 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Center for Volunteer Caregiving is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to engage the diverse Wake County community by providing volunteer service solutions in an inclusive and welcoming environment to improve the lives of seniors, family caregivers and adults with disabilities.


The Center recruits volunteers to help seniors (age 60+) and adults with disabilities, living at home, with tasks they can no longer do for themselves. Assistance includes respite care to family caregivers, friendly visits to the homebound, transportation for essential needs (e.g. medical appointments, food), and light chore services. We do not provide personal care or services of a medical or healthcare nature.

All volunteers undergo a criminal background check and must attend a virtual orientation session. Please visit our website: www.volunteercaregiving.org

In addition to individual volunteers, we welcome businesses and faith organizations to contact us about how we can create satisfying volunteer opportunities for their employees and members.


Would you recommend The Center for Volunteer Caregiving?
2 reviews Write a review
by Liza W. from Cary, NC (September 15, 2017)
The Care Receivers quickly become the brightest spot in my day. You think it's all about helping someone in need and then discover, the sweet ones you are helping are really making a positive impact in your life too.
by Lisa B. (December 4, 2013)
This is a wonderful organization that makes it easy to be a volunteer as they provide relevant training, take great care in matching clients to volunteers and are there to support volunteers in all ways needed.

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