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Action For Community Development

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • Women


8 Ogbahon Street off Upper Owina Road Evbuotubu32, Mission Road, Benin CityBenin city, Edo 300001Nigeria Nigeria

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Vision: The integral development of communities for a world without poverty.

Values: Integrity, Transparency, Accountability and Teamwork.

Mission: To empower and inspire women and youths of selected local communities to have a sense of responsibility in order to ensure a healthy, peaceful and prosperous community with access to information and innovative projects for integral development.

Programme Areas

  1. Popular participation, human rights, governance(revenue transparency and accountability in oil and extractive industry sector).
  2. Community information and community special projects scheme.
  3. Community Health Development( Reproductive Health, HIV & AIDS and Malaria).
  4. Water, Sanitation,Environment and Climate Change
  5. Community Research Advocacy and Peace Building.Conflict Transformation, Natural Resources Management,Post Conflict Re-integration, alternative options
  6. Community Women and youth empowerment, sustainable livelihoods. Women’s Rights
  7. Target Group: Communities, Women, Youths and Children


How We Work.

We believe that poverty is mostly caused by human factors and systems that keep local people poor especially by depriving them of what is rightfully theirs. We also believe that if given the opportunity and necessary support local people can rise out of poverty and live a life of dignity. Therefore in our work to fight poverty we employ two main approaches-

  1. The rights based approach to poverty eradication by training local community people to be empowered and conscious of their rights, be able to hold their leaders in government accountable and advocate for positive changes in their community.
  2. The community self help approach which recruits local volunteers from the communities and equips them with training on community development(civil responsibility education, value re orientation, human rights, community health education (reproductive health education, malaria e.t.c) thus enabling them to partner with others in the community for community development.
  3. We know that for development to reach the grass root communities that we represent, there must be revenue transparency at the federal, state and local government levels. It was this knowledge and passion that led us to join the Publish What you Pay Coalition in Nigeria since October 2006. Few months after we started.

Also in our work we communities we recognize that communities are made up of people and their neighbourhoods. And communities cannot be developed if either of the two is neglected. Thus focus is on neighbourhood development and people development(empowerment) with women and youths as our target groups.

We also work with special groups (communities), like associations, pressure groups, trade unions, e.t.c to assist them to re focus and strengthen their organization for improved service delivery


1.Marginalisation of local community people and exclusion from governance and development .

2. Lack of transparency and accountability in governance and oil and revenue sector.

3. Poor health- low level of knowledge of sexual and reproductive health and lack of community capacity to respond to important health issues.

4.Environmental degradation and mismanagement (lack of safe water and sanitation)

5.Lack of a sense of responsibility for development by local communities.

6.Poverty and lack of empowerment opportunities for women, youth and children.

7. Community peace and security challenges.

8. Exclusion of local community women from development and infringement of their rights.


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