Youth Action Programs & Homes, Inc.
Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Education & Literacy
- Employment
- Homeless & Housing
1325 Fifth AvenueNew York, NY 10029 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Youth Action Programs and Homes, Inc. (YAPH) is an East Harlem based organization that for over 30 years has acted on the belief that young people can be a powerful force for good in their neighborhood. Our mission is "to create a community of youth and young adults committed to taking responsibility for their own lives and for improving the larger community."
As mentioned above, the basic premise of YAPH is that young people can be a strong force for the good in their communities. We believe that youth have a clear perception of what's wrong in their community and in the world and have vivid ideas for constructive change, but in most cases lack the confidence and/or skills needed to carry them out. From our after school and summer prevention programs for our community's youngest citizens, to our comprehensive YouthBuild program for young adults, Youth Action works to empower young people to take an active role in decision-making at every level, and provides them with the skills and resources to succeed.
YouthBuild- YAPH YouthBuild is a unique and comprehensive approach to workforce development,youth empowerment and the creation of affordable housing. Our fulltime, 10 month program emphasizes academic and vocational training, leadership development, counseling and graduate services. YouthBuild participants spend 50% of their time at the school site (on-site at our facility) in an array of educational activities incl. academic classes, classroom construction skills training, and job readiness, 675 hours of community service, and computer training; and 50% of their time at the work site, learning construction skills as they assist in the renovation of affordable rental housing for homeless/low income families and individuals.
Leadership Development-Though our central youth program centers on education and workforce development, vital to provide opportunities for them to better their lives and participate in community life, YAPH provides ongoing development of their leadership skills through facilitated weekly workshops focusing on public speaking, human relations, networking, budgeting/ financial management, verbal communication, and overcoming obstacles.
Summer and After School Prevention Programs- These program are designed to promote social skills and increase resiliency and protective factors among at-risk youth, ages 6-13, through the dissemination of accurate, age appropriate information about alcohol, tobacco and marijuana and other drugs while promoting positive alternative such as arts, recreation and academics.
Housing Development and Management- Since 1984, YAPH has developed low-income housing and provided other housing-related services. YAPH YouthBuild trainees have directly participated in the rehabilitation of 125 units of affordable rental housing in East Harlem for low-income and previously homeless individuals and families, and a total of 15 commercial spaces. In addition through tenant engagement and development, a voice is given to those individuals and families who occupy our units, ensuring that their needs and concerns are being met.