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Friendship Shelter, Inc.

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Employment
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Hunger
  • People with Disabilities


P.O. Box 4252Laguna Beach, CA 92652 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Friendship Shelter helps homeless adults achieve self-sufficiency and become more productive members of our community.


Friendship Shelter was incorporated in 1987 to provide year-round shelter and rehabilitation to homeless adults. Today we provide a full complement of rehabilitative services to those most in need and addresses the many interrelated problems of homelessness, including mental and physical health, drug and alcohol addiction, personal responsibility, education, and employment opportunity. To date, more than 10,000 people have participated in a Friendship Shelter program, and each night nearly 150 homeless people sleep safe, warm, and cared for.


Would you recommend Friendship Shelter, Inc.?
1 review Write a review
by Kathryn L. (August 25, 2017)
I have been involved with Friendship Shelter as a donor since its origins in the 1980s when founder Colin Henderson opened the doors of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church as a refuge for the homeless. His compassionate project has grown and evolved into a successful and respected local institution. I'm so proud of Friendship Shelter's presence in southern OC, because it is the only shelter serving our most vulnerable single adults in South County. For the past three years, I've been volunteering twice a week in the administrative office within the Friendship Shelter location on Coast Highway. It's sometimes heartbreaking work to turn away those in need due to lack of space, but it is gratifying to be involved in an organization that continues to give clients hope that things can and will get better. I highly recommend volunteering with Friendship Shelter! The clients and especially the caring staff are a pleasure to work with.

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