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Buena Vista Neighborhood Association

Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Community
  • Environment
  • Homeless & Housing


PO Box 26953San Jose, CA 95126 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Buena Vista Neighborhood Association (BVNA) is a not for profit volunteer organization consisting of people residing within and around the Buena Vista Neighborhood area of San Jose, CA. The Association is dedicated to the safety and quality of life of the residents and to the preservation of the historic character of the Buena Vista Neighborhood.


The Buena Vista area is about half unincorporated county and half City of the San Jose. As one of the most densely populated areas in San Jose, approximately 1,500 people are squeezed into the area between Leigh Ave, San Carlos, Meridian and 280. The majority of our residents are renters that are considered either low or middle income. The Association represents the Buena Vista Area to other organizations including: The City of San Jose, Santa Clara County, The Burbank/Del Monte Neighborhood Advisory Committee (A group of people representing residents, business owners and service organizations working with the San Jose Redevelopment Agency to improve our community), and the West San Carlos Business Association.


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