Flexible Schedule
Arlington, MA 02474
Communications and Outreach Co-Chair: Sign up for and attend Arlington Town events and festivals, solicit and schedule helpers for the booth/table, set up and sign people in on Workdays April through October, distribute information at the FSPP booth to familiarize citizens with the Friends of Spy Pond Park and Spy Pond, discuss their needs and benefits with passers-by, sell t-shirts, distribute Spy and Spy Pond stickers and brochures and accept memberships, write a short article for the FSPP Newsletter about the FSPP experience at Town Day, Feast of the East, or other outreach opportunities Assist in designing a FSPP display board for use at the above events, schedule and erect a display at the Robbins Library, every other year, or more, if possible. Solicit articles and photos for three newsletters/year from knowledgeable and willing friends and neighbors of Spy Pond Park approximately three weeks before the deadline announced at a prior FSPP meeting, send collected information to the President for editing and sending content for layout. Have desired number of newsletters printed, distribute and maintain a supply of newsletters and brochures at the Arlington libraries and in plastic display cases attached to park bulletin boards. Attend virtual meetings of the Friends of Spy Pond Park Board and Committees every other month Social distancing and masking guidelines followed according to Town of Arlington at in person events indoors and outdoors
Date Posted: Jan 11, 2025
Flexible Schedule
Arlington, MA 02474
FSPP Treasurer works with the assistant Treasurer, as needed, with the following: ➢ Sign necessary paperwork with President at Arlington’s Citizen’s Bank to assume this position officially, get Treasurer’s records, checkbook, and arrange to obtain FSPP debit card, and CD access. ØSubmit Massachusetts Form PC (Public Charity) and Federal form 990 postcard (EZ or N depending) by May 15 of each year for the previous year, ØRenew and pay fee for PO Box at East Arlington PO before November (set up via autopay), ØFile MA annual report (officer list) due in November.Can do online at https://corp.sec.state.ma.us/corp/loginsystem/login_form.asp?FilingMethod=I ØSubmit FSPP annual Treasurer’s report to President for the year ending 12/31 for annual meeting in following January (end of 1 st week in Jan. contributions and 2024 CD figures included) and projected budget for the current year, ØProvide interim financial reports at each FSPP board meeting, ØObtain dues/contribution checks and slips from Database Manager, deposit and pay bills. ØMaintain the FSPP checkbook in good order, ØSend acknowledgements via bulk merge mail or snail mail for the above contributions, and ØProvide adequate training and setup with task descriptions and a timeline if/when turning over this role to another person, at least a 2-month notice required. ØMust live within a 35 mi. radius of Arlington, MA.
Date Posted: Jan 11, 2025
Flexible Schedule
Arlington, MA 02474
General Vice President: Follow and assist carrying out the Presidential tasks that follow, as requested to do so. President: Schedule bimonthly meetings, set an agenda the week before, send out a reminder to board with agenda, previous minutes and solicit additional items for the agenda prior to the meeting. Arrange in October for a speaker for the December Annual Meeting. Announce and mail to membership the December annual meeting in November with end of the year financial appeal. Run the meetings with updates from each officer and committee. Receive and file .doc of meeting minutes from the Recording Secretary and send approved minutes to Web Team for posting on the website. Write dues and donation solicitation letter to send via street delivery, when possible, and by email in April or the beginning of May and an end of the year solicitation in November. Arrange for the Mailing Team to do mailings twice yearly. Work with the Communications and Outreach Co-Chairs to solicit ideas for and set deadlines in advance for newsletter article submission and layout. Edit articles submitted for the newsletter received by the Outreach Co-Chair, collect articles and photos in a folder, post all on the FSPP ftp site when ready for layout 1-2 weeks before deadline and notify the above. Arrange to send emails to email list from database to post quarterly newsletters and notices online and on bulletin boards. Work with the Publicity Chair to advertise Work Days and other events to the membership and general public. Do outreach on Work Days and at events. Communicate with DPW and Park and Rec. Directors and Commissioners when needed. Oversee accomplishment of standing and annual goals and set new goals at the annual meetings. Collaborate with and oversee officer and committee performance. Solicit new officers and chairpersons as necessary.
Date Posted: Jan 11, 2025