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Charleston Parks Conservancy

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Environment
  • Sports & Recreation


PO Box 31187Charleston, SC 29407 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To inspire the people of Charleston to connect with their parks and together create stunning public spaces and a strong community.


Founded in 2007, the Charleston Parks Conservancy unites local resources, leverages support and organizes volunteers to be stewards of Charleston's urban parks.

Efforts to create, expand, sustain, and reinvigorate Charleston's urban parks require a collaborative approach. To accomplish our goal of improving and preserving public parks, we foster partnerships throughout the Charleston area. With these resources, expert staff and a passionate corps of volunteers and supporters, the Parks Angels, work side-by-side to rejuvenate parks and create opportunities for community engagement through park programs.

By rallying support and catalyzing action, the Charleston Parks Conservancy cultivates stunning city parks. High quality parks ensure that Charleston will be a wondrous, welcoming and active place now, and for future generations.

We believe that high quality parks contribute to a higher quality of life, and great parks build strong communities.


Would you recommend Charleston Parks Conservancy?
1 review Write a review
by Laurie M. (March 10, 2019)
We had a lot of fun volunteering at the Teddy Bear Picnic/Parade! It was a large, but very well thought out/planned successful event. We helped make crowns for the kids and we were given all the supplies and help necessary to be successful. It was a wonderful event, and my daughter and I were glad we could participate!

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