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Nourishing Hope

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Hunger


3945 N. SheridanChicago, IL 60613 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Nourishing Hope (formerly Lakeview Pantry) strives to eliminate hunger in our community by: Providing food to fill the basic need of hungry people, increasing the independence of our clients through self-help initiatives and other innovative programs, and raising awareness of poverty and its solution.


Nourishing Hope (formerly Lakeview Pantry) is a dynamic social services organization providing food, mental wellness counseling, and other social services, such as job and housing assistance, to our Chicago neighbors in need. While our doors are open to all, the vast majority of those we serve within our neighborhood may be disabled, working for minimum wage, recently unemployed, or the elderly. Whatever the reason, we are here to help. Founded in 1970, we strive to serve the needs of the whole person-with respect and dignity, always.


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