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Art With Impact

Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Health & Medicine
  • Media & Broadcasting


5214F Diamond Heights Blvd. #454San Francisco, CA 94131 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Art With Impact promotes mental wellness by creating space for young people to learn and connect through art and media.


AWI is committed to a future where artists are revered as cultural icons of courage and change, enabling young people to communicate freely and fearlessly about their mental health. To fulfill this vision, Art With Impact:

  • Provides structured, safe spaces to learn, cultivate empathy, and reduce stigma in all regions of North America, connecting individuals to comprehensive mental health resources
  • Continues to expand and make available the world’s most diverse and compelling collection of short films on mental health, supporting a network of filmmakers, artists and young people in an interactive online community
  • Maximizes collaboration between art and mental health by engaging professionals and academic institutions through sustainable partnerships and transparency of methods and outcomes


Would you recommend Art With Impact?
1 review Write a review
by Sarah D. from Palmdale, CA (May 7, 2018)
Great workshop! It was a great event to attend or volunteer at. The workshop facilitator Lindsey from Art With Impact was great! She is a great leader and presenter, and very caring. I would love to volunteer with them again.

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