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Wisdom of the Elders

Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Community
  • Environment
  • Media & Broadcasting
  • Race & Ethnicity


3203 SE 109thPortland, OR 97226 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Wisdom of the Elders is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation with a mission of Native American cultural and economic sustainability, education, cross-cultural communication. WISDOM collaborates with diverse cultural organizations and educational institutions to record, preserve and share oral tradition, cultural arts, and environmental perspective of exemplary Native historians, storytellers and scientists. WISDOM was formed in 1993 by Lakota spiritual leader, Martin High Bear and Rose High Bear, Deg Hit’an Dine (Alaskan Athabascan).


Wisdom of the Elders a Portland Native American 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation that records and preserves the oral history and cultural arts of exemplary Native American storytellers, historians, song carriers, artists, and environmentalists. With our mission of cultural sustainability, education and race reconciliation, we work in collaboration with diverse organizations to communicate important messages to Native people using video and audio productions and tribal storytelling workshops. We also share the wisdom and knowledge of our exemplary elders with diverse public audiences via public radio and website production, educational materials, and public events.


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3 reviews Write a review
by Darinka Z. (August 10, 2014)
They might take a little while to respond, but they do respond. You can work on transcription projects whenever you have time and see what the Native American community is currently working on.

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