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LaAmistad, Inc.

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Education & Literacy
  • Immigrants & Refugees


3434 Roswell Road NWAtlanta, GA 30305 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To support the success of Latino students through tutoring, mentoring, and programming that promotes academic, physical, and personal growth.


LaAmistad is a volunteer driven nonprofit organization that empowers Latino students with the knowledge and skills needed to reach their dreams. We provide after school tutoring, reading and math enrichment, preschool education, one on one tutoring opportunities, summer camp, mentoring, and sports programs students in Grades K-12.

LaAmistad also hosts the largest community-based adult English as a Second Language program in Georgia, parenting workshops, and serves as a resource center complete with information on employment, health, counseling, legal and financial services, and scholarship information. Our unique library contains books, computers with internet, and resource center are available for use by all of our students and families.


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2 reviews Write a review
by dezarae w. (November 30, 2015)
it could help us have something to do after school, something where we wont be dong anything illegal but to help others.
by Raquel F. (January 30, 2013)
I was impressed with the amount of resources made available to the children served in this organization. Also the commitment of the staff and retention of the students was remarkable. I would definitely recommend this organization to mentors of all walks of life.

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