National Homelessness Law Center
Cause Area
- Advocacy & Human Rights
- Homeless & Housing
- Justice & Legal
1400 16th Street NWSuite 425Washington, DC 20036 United StatesWebsite:
https://homelesslaw.orgOrganization Information
Mission Statement
The Law Center is the nation's only legal advocacy organization dedicated to ending and preventing homelessness.
The National Homelessness Law Center, established in 1989, presses for solutions to homelessness. Since its founding, the Law Center has been a catalyst for critical civil and human rights advocacy. The Law Center’s areas of concentration include: Protecting the civil and human rights of homeless persons, including combating the criminalization of homelessness, and promoting Homeless Bills of Rights and constructive solutions to homelessness. Utilizing human rights standards to grow the domestic movement for the human right to housing and to fight practices and laws that punish homeless persons for ordinary, life-sustaining activities. Increasing affordable housing resources by maximizing the transfer of surplus federal properties to homeless service providers. Protecting housing rights for homeless and at-risk people by advocating for legal protections for tenants faced with foreclosure, and tenants who are victims of domestic violence. Ensuring homeless children’s access to education by implementing civil rights provisions in the McKinney-Vento Act. To amplify the work of its small staff, the Law Center relies on interns, volunteers, and the pro bono assistance of the private bar.