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New Haven Reads

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy


45 Bristol StNew Haven, CT 06511 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our mission is "to share the joy and power of reading".


New Haven Reads provides an environment where children and adults have access to free books and children have access to tutoring to increase their literacy skills and academic performance.

We function as a community book bank distributing over 100,000 free books annually. Books are donated by individuals or community groups. We take books in good to excellent condition; we especially like children's books! We also pack boxes of books for social service agencies, homeless shelters, nursery schools, and individual schools and classrooms.

New Haven Reads offers free one-on-one after school tutoring to the children of Greater New Haven in grades K-12. We place emphasis on serving the most economically and educationally disadvantaged children and families who otherwise would not have access to these resources. This year over 530 students came in once or twice weekly for tutoring in reading with over 200 children still on the wait list.

We also have SAT prep class, Pre-K and Kindergarten early readiness programs, and workshops.


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