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Cuidando Los Ninos

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Homeless & Housing


PO Box 12786Albuquerque, NM 87195 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The mission of Cuidando Los Niños (CLN) is to provide high quality childcare and therapeutic services to meet the special needs of children experiencing homelessness and support services that assist and strengthen their families as they become re-housed.


Cuidando los Niños offers three primary programs that work collaboratively in order to achieve our goal of ending family homelessness in the Albuquerque area: our Children's Program, Family Support Program and Play Therapy. In order to address the causes of homelessness and to support the family as they deal with the effects of their situation, we must effectively treat the whole family unit. By providing nationally accredited childcare, individualized family resource and referral, and a highly qualified play therapist, we are able to provide an all-encompassing, strength based approach that can change the lives of the children and families that we serve. Please visit our website for further information.


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