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NW Children's Foundation

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Crisis Support


2100 24th Ave South, Suite 320Seattle, WA 98144 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

NWCF works to end the intergenerational cycle of child abuse, neglect and trauma. We envision a world in which all children thrive in safe, equitable, and nurturing communities.


NW Children's Foundation (NWCF) believes that the early years are the most critical to a child’s development, and have implications for the rest of his or her life. We are acutely aware of how childhood trauma, if left unaddressed, can impact brain development and adult outcomes. Our work focuses on helping to make children safer, more resilient and better able to thrive. It is carried out through two complementary programs:

  1. Grantmaking: NWCF’s grants support prevention, early intervention, and treatment programs to heal children, strengthen families, and empower youth. Every grant applicant is carefully evaluated, including a site visit to see their programs in action. Since 1985, we have distributed more than $21M to area nonprofits.
  2. Educational Outreach: NWCF convenes diverse players in the child welfare field - schools, direct-service nonprofits, researchers, healthcare providers, therapists, funders and advocates, judges and lawyers, parents and more - to learn, discuss and connect in order to work toward community-level improvement in our approaches to building resilience and preventing and responding to child maltreatment.

Over its 38 years, NWCF has evolved into a seasoned and respected element of our region’s child welfare landscape, playing a significant role in our community’s efforts to improve the lives of our communities' children and families.


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