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Lincoln County Council on Aging

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • People with Disabilities
  • Seniors
  • Veterans & Military Families


1380 Boone StreetTroy, MO 63379 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To enrich the quality of life, and support independence & vitality for the community at large.


LCCOA provides meals to residents, regardless of age, ability to pay, or mobility; on-site/congregate and home-delivered to the homebound. We are focused strictly where we live, work & play, and the ONLY "meals on wheels" for Lincoln County, MO. After over 45 years of service to our County, the pandemic increased the number of meals LCCOA serves daily. The health-safety & mobility of meals is paramount to the overall well-being of our community. Met with encouraging wellness, focusing on preventing or managing diseases, actively educating clients, volunteers, & the community at large, and putting an END to food insecurity. Annual surveys conducted by AAA and United Way showed those who receive our meals demonstrate the following outcomes: improved mental & physical health, reduced likelihood of falls, reduced feelings of isolation & depression, increased feelings of safety, & a higher likelihood of eating healthy. As the meals program served more & more residents, the vote to change LCCOA from senior center to "Community Center" passed unanimously. In 2020, the pandemic increased the number of residents needing our services, so the Lincoln County Council on Aging changed its bylaws to "Community Center", serving ALL residents of Linc Co MO (regardless of age or ability).


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