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Education First

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy


4701 SW Admiral Way #149Seattle, WA 98116 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Education First is dedicated to providing need-based college scholarships to exceptional seniors attending high schools with historically low percentages of college applicants. By rewarding students with strength of character, a commitment to learning, and a vision for their future, our aim is to invest in individuals who will positively affect their communities.


Founded in 1995 by a group of recent college graduates, Education First is a nonprofit organization providing college scholarships to lo income youth. The founders of Education First believe that higher education can assist in breaking generational poverty. To promote our mission, we provide both financial and mentoring support to students. Education First targets students who have overcome significant life challenges and are seldom recognized for their achievements.


Would you recommend Education First?
1 review Write a review
by Jeff H. (March 12, 2012)
Education First is an excellent organization with a strong leadership team. I have enjoyed volunteering in San Francisco and Denver and have served as a Board Member in various positions. Education First is flexible because the group enables you to be creative and take on as much responsibility as you desire. Most importantly, you are making students dreams of college come true. Meeting these impressive students who have overcome unbelievable challenges is the best part!

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