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Colin's Hope

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Health & Medicine


PMB 1473267 Bee Cave RdAustin, TX 78746 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Colin's Hope is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that creates and supports programs that aid in preventing children from drowning. Despite numerous sources for water safety, the number of children who drown per year is staggering. Colin's Hope of saving children from drowning is being achieved through increased water safety awareness and improved standards throughout the community.


Why we exist:Colin’s Hope was created in 2008 after 4 year old Colin Holst drowned in a local public pool with lifeguards and adults present. Colin had just finished his swim lessons the day before he drowned. It was an accident that could have been prevented. His family and friends created Colin’s Hope to help spread the message that drowning is preventable!

What Colin’s Hope DOES:

We promote multiple layers of protection to help keep your family safer around water: constant visual supervision, wear a life jacket, learn to swim, multiple barriers around water sources, keep backyards and bathrooms safe, always check pool/spa FIRST for a missing child, stay away from drains, practice beach safety, and learn CPR. Drowning is preventable!

We distribute educational information and raise awareness: (i.e.: Water Safety packets, Drowning Prevention Tips fliers, Water Guardian tags) via our website, April Pools Day event and Community Water Safety Walk and via other community events (such as Schlitterbahn’s World Largest Swim Lesson). We have a media campaign (billboards, ads, social media etc.) public presence to help people know that drowning is preventable AND can happen to anyone.

We have been able to eliminate fatal and non-fatal drownings in some of our target areas by raising the awareness through our water safety packets and tips as well as via our ad, radio/tv and billboard campaigns.

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