Voice Empowered Technology Organization

Cause Area

  • Computers & Technology
  • Education & Literacy
  • Health & Medicine
  • Immigrants & Refugees
  • People with Disabilities


P.O. Box 232106Sacramento, ca 95823 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our organization promotes and serves the interest of the special needs (disabled/English as a second language population) through the developement of voice recognition and Language translation systems/products, so this segment of our community can strive towards enhancing their careers, promoting a stable quality of life and reaching above average economic opportunities "The American Dream"


VETO develops voice recogniton and language translation systems/products for our disabled and English as a second language communities.


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1 review Write a review
by Rose C. (2011-03-21 22:26:15.0)
Not exactly sure what this organization does. Do they sell language translation products? So is it a sales company? Unclear what kind of volunteer opportunities there would be.

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